Novembers Workplace Food for Thought 2023

Electric Car Update to Expenses and Company Vehicle Policy

As the popularity of electric cars powers on, we’ve been doing lots of work on our Expenses and Company Vehicle Policies to make them more relevant. So, if your team are driving electric vehicles and are claiming business miles, we are more than happy to work with you to provide or update your policy. Just give us a shout.

Apprenticeships – how to get it right
Apprenticeships are on the rise – which is a great thing! The benefits to both the individual and the employer can be amazing.  BUT – please do not enter into such an agreement lightly.  Here’s some of the common pitfalls we’re finding clients are experiencing:

  • Not having a specific Apprenticeship Agreement.  A lot of our clients are providing a standard contract of employment which does not provide the appropriate level of cover for their business.  Please, please contact Mint for assistance with a specialist agreement.
  • If the relationship with your Apprentice is not working out – it’s not as straight forward to exit them from the business as someone else who is in the early stages of employment.  This is because they’re employed to learn, not necessarily to work.  Therefore – terminating because they’re not good enough may land you in hot water.  Again – it’s essential you contact Mint for advice on this.

Carers in the Workplace

Did you know 1 in 7 employees are juggling work and caring for others? Balancing work and caring can be difficult and new research says 600 people a day leave work due to their caring responsibilities.   Consider – is it better to offer flexibility and retain great employees or would you prefer to go out to market during these difficult recruitment times.
In an attempt to ease the pressure on carers, new legislation called the Carers Leave Bill will be is coming into place next year. Employees will be entitled to one week of planned unpaid leave per year (pro rata for part time staff) for things such as appointments or post-hospital care where many may have used annual leave in the past.
Carers Rights Day is on 23rd November and is the ideal time to familiarise yourself with the new legislation and to help support and retain your skilled workforce.

For more information visit

The Dreaded C-word

Hate mentioning it – but Covid cases are on the up again. So just a reminder – ACAS states anyone who tests positive for Covid-19 or has Covid symptoms should tell their employer but ‘self-isolating’ (staying at home) is no longer a legal requirement. They should follow the public health advice in England, Scotland or Wales and any policy your company has in place. You will need to consider the wellbeing of your team and customers and risk-assess as necessary.

Supporting employees going through divorce
Going through a divorce is a life-changing event. So, it’s no surprise that in a recent survey 3 out of 4 of employees said that the stress of their relationship breakdown had made them less efficient at work and four in 10 had to take time off.

There’s no getting round it – personal life impacts on work and vice versa.  Employers who recognise the emotional stress linked to a relationship break up will make a huge difference to their employees’ wellbeing and mental health. So, make sure you have family-friendly policies that signpost them to available support and let them know that it’s ok to talk about their situation with you/their line manager.

Be as flexible as possible – for solicitor meetings and calls, attending court, moving house or childcare. And appreciate that whilst some may need time off work to cope, others may prefer to keep busy to distract themselves.

Supporting Employees Going Through Divorce

Going through a divorce is a life-changing event. So, it’s no surprise that in a recent survey 3 out of 4 of employees said that the stress of their relationship breakdown had made them less efficient at work and four in 10 had to take time off.

There’s no getting round it – personal life impacts on work and vice versa. Employers who recognise the emotional stress linked to a relationship break up will make a huge difference to their employees’ wellbeing and mental health. So, make sure you have family-friendly policies that signpost them to available support and let them know that it’s ok to talk about their situation with you/their line manager.

Be as flexible as possible – for solicitor meetings and calls, attending court, moving house or childcare. And appreciate that whilst some may need time off work to cope, others may prefer to keep busy to distract themselves.

Contact Mint Outsourced HR in Yorkshire

From Onboarding in Huddersfield to Employee Handbooks in Hull or Grievances in Sheffield to Mediation in Manchester, nowhere is too far for the team at Mint HR.


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